Frostburn (Ultrahumans Book 4) Read online

Page 9

  ‘Okay, so I’ve had a few. Doesn’t mean this is a bad idea.’

  ‘It’s a terrible idea.’ Then Jacob shrugged. ‘On the other hand, I may not have that many options…’


  ‘Jacob?’ Andrea had her overnight bag in one hand and her sword in the other, and she was standing in the hall of Jacob’s house expecting to find him there. There was a distinct lack of Jacob to be found. She checked all the rooms, but there was no sign of him.

  ‘Okay…’ Starting to feel a little worried, Andrea took out her phone and found the right speed dial. Voicemail. ‘Jacob, it’s Andrea. Call me.’ She closed the connection and tried another. ‘Gah! Heather, it’s Andrea. I’m trying to find Jacob. Could you call me if you know where he is?’

  Now Andrea frowned. Both of them going straight to voicemail suggested a case, but they were both on desk duty… So, both of them going straight to voicemail suggested…

  Turning around, she looked down at the squad of imps which had appeared behind her. ‘Right, you all know who Jacob is…’ There was gibbering and a flood of images. ‘That’s him. Start at the UID office and check bars. I’ll be here. Report back as soon as possible.’ The imps gibbered and then turned, leaping into the darkness and out into the city. And Andrea walked into the lounge, turned on the TV, and began to strip. If there was anything on ACPN about two UID agents being injured, she would kick herself, but whatever the case, she wanted to be in costume when she found out.


  ‘We’ll need a noffice,’ Heather asserted. Then the firm assertion was immediately countered with, ‘Do we need a noffice?’

  ‘Not sure what a noffice is,’ Jacob replied. ‘I’m sure it’ll come to me shortly.’

  ‘You’re drunk. A noffice, where you have… a desk and a chair and… station’ry. Station’ry is really, really, really important.’

  ‘Oh, right, “office.” Office stationery, yeah… Not sure we need an office. I mean, maybe we do, but you can do a lot over the internet these days. We want to minimise expenses initially.’ Jacob was fairly sure he was getting drunk, because he should have figured the office thing out sooner, but he was a lot less drunk than Heather was. Still, he had this feeling he was forgetting something…

  ‘There’s profess… professionality… professionalness… whatever, there’sh that to consider. An’ we’ll need a name. Bryant and Dannon. Dannon and Bryant. Ultracrimes are Us. Is it getting dark in here or am I pashing out?’

  Jacob looked around. They were in a booth at the back of the bar now and it did seem to be getting dimmer. ‘It’s getting dark– Shit! Twilight!’

  ‘Twilight Investigations! Nice ring to it, but I’m not sure naming it after– I’ve gone blind.’ The darkness which had enveloped the booth receded as fast as it had come, leaving Twilight sitting beside Jacob. She placed her sword, in its scabbard, down on the table. ‘Hey, Twilight!’ Heather said without skipping a beat. Then she turned an accusing finger on Jacob. ‘Twilight’s staying at your place tonight an’ you forgot.’

  ‘Uh… yeah,’ Jacob managed.

  ‘Yes…’ Twilight said. ‘So, before I gut Jacob and carry Heather off to a dimension of darkness to be tormented by demons for eternity, someone had better explain to me what’s going on…’


  It took about thirty minutes to get all the details. Coffee helped. Heather was looking less drunk and more sick by the end of it, but she was slurring a little less.

  ‘So that’s the situation,’ Heather said. ‘Jacob’s on suspension an’ they’re planning to kick him. I’m being stuck with the office letch.’

  ‘And you think the solution to this is to resign and form a detective agency?’ Andrea asked. The mask had gone when it became apparent that there was a good reason for Jacob forgetting her visit. The sword was still on the table, however.

  ‘It’s a solution,’ Jacob replied. ‘For me… Not sure I’ve got a lot of options. For Heather…’

  ‘You have plenty of options. The NMCPD would take you. They’re not going to worry over some random power outbursts. Heather, you’re giving up a job you like to–’

  ‘I’ve gone off my job since they decided to make me work with a grabby asshole,’ Heather snapped. ‘And since the UID started letting people like Brent throw baseless accusations around. Something’s changed in the agency. They’ve got a lot more stupid recently.’

  Andrea picked up her glass of wine and sipped from it. Getting that had been amusing: the barman had looked like he was not sure whether he wanted to run away screaming, drool, or drop to his knees in worship when Twilight had walked up to the bar. ‘Okay, so I don’t think it’s actually the worst idea I’ve ever heard. It’s certainly an option for Jacob. Heather, this really rests on you. You’re the one who’s losing out here. Are you sure about this?’

  ‘I am sure… I am really sure… That I’m gonna barf. I’ll be right back.’ Heather stumbled out of the booth and headed for the restrooms at something of a hurried pace.

  ‘She’s sure,’ Jacob said. ‘She’s been convincing me for hours. I get the feeling she’s been thinking about it for a while. Since the riot.’

  ‘Okay…’ Andrea tapped her index finger to her lips thoughtfully. ‘I might be able to help. I’ll make a few enquiries and get back to you.’

  ‘Uh… thanks. I figure if they’ve suspended me, my first case is going to be yours anyway.’

  ‘You’re going to look into the serial killer?’

  ‘Clearing my name seems like a good first step.’

  ‘I’ll get you what I’ve got on it. Hugh came through on the forensics report and there are some interesting new facts to go into a very short list. On the other hand, you’re a detective and I’m… an amateur at best.’

  ‘You’re a pretty damn good amateur.’

  ‘Fresh pair of eyes and more experience might spot something I haven’t.’ Andrea turned her head. ‘Feeling better?’

  ‘Feeling like shit,’ Heather replied. ‘Maybe it’s time I went home.’

  ‘In your state? You might feel sober, but you’re not. We’ll take you back to Jacob’s place. There’s a spare room.’

  ‘Good, because I don’t think I’m up to a threesome.’

  ‘Twilight says you spoil all her fun.’

  ‘Huh. I need to sleep this off. I’m getting up early to write my resignation letter.’ Heather looked pointedly into Andrea’s black eyes. ‘Yes, I’m absolutely sure.’

  ‘Okay then.’

  ‘I’ll write mine out before bed,’ Jacob said. ‘You can hand Kent both in the morning.’

  ‘Assuming you make it to work,’ Andrea added, grinning.


  ‘What’re you working on?’

  June looked up and smiled at Brightstar. She waved the tablet she was using. ‘This? We’re finalising the pictures for the twenty-fifteen calendar, and I need to come up with suggestions for publicity material.’

  ‘Oh, you’re doing another calendar?’ Brightstar sat down beside June, which seemed to indicate she wanted to see.

  On the other hand, June could not quite tell if there was a note of disapproval in the question. ‘Yeah. It’s to kick off a redevelopment fund for Churchton. Because of the riot, obviously. And Ever has a number of things she wants to push forward. Twilight, and Red Huntress, and Skadi joined in this year.’ She turned the screen so that Brightstar could see what she was looking at, which happened to be the rather sultry shot of Twilight clad mostly in shadow.

  ‘That’s… very sexy. It’s… I don’t think I could do anything like that.’

  ‘That is one of the most risqué shots we’re using.’ June flicked through to the picture of Ever and Jennifer. ‘See, this one’s more funny than erotic.’

  ‘I don’t recognise the blonde on the jetty.’

  ‘You wouldn’t. She’s an engineer we met working on the ship in San Francisco. It took a little coaxing to get this one, but it’s a good shot. She didn’t th
ink she could do it either, but she did.’ June flicked over to another frame: the couple shot of Cygnus and Twilight blowing kisses to the camera. ‘This is actually one of my favourites.’

  ‘Ah yes, the new costumes. You designed those, I believe.’

  ‘Yeah… Yes, I did. And now Viviane’s got me doing one for her. If I’d have known–’

  ‘Viviane wants a new dress?’

  ‘She said she wanted something more serious. She needs to update her look because she has a new apprentice and she wants to project a more serious image.’

  ‘Oh… You know… Well, I’ve been thinking about updating my image a little…’

  June shook her head. ‘Oh no. I couldn’t. Just… I mean…’

  ‘Couldn’t?’ Brightstar’s brow creased. There was definitely an implied ‘or won’t’ in there.

  ‘Couldn’t. I mean, you can’t. Brightstar is iconic. Your selection of costumes fits your image perfectly. Off-duty you have the long gowns. The split for your legs is just sexy enough without being brazen. For combat you have the suit. White, long-sleeved leotard with just the blue star for decoration. Form-fitting, sexy, strong, simple. The boots work well with it, knee-high so there’s lots of thigh on display. Everyone knows Brightstar and it’s partially that costume that has made you so well known. You just can’t change it. And, okay, I wouldn’t want to be the designer who did. I’d get hate mail.’

  Brightstar was, apparently, not so easily put off and had been thinking about this for a while. Her voice lowered, apparently to be sure no one else heard her. ‘Yes, but… I was thinking of going with something a little sexier and, um, younger.’

  ‘You’re only twenty-seven,’ June replied, picking up on the primary motivation. ‘You’re hardly–’

  ‘I’ll be twenty-eight in three months and that’s basically thirty. Thirty! I’m getting old, June. And there’s Cygnus, younger and wearing next to nothing, and looking great in it. Damn, Twilight’s younger still and you’ve got her in almost nothing.’

  ‘Yes, but–’

  ‘And it’s all right for Cygnus. She’s got those boobs to work with. I’ve got… less and it’s important that I look good for…’ Brightstar’s eyes flicked up to where Adamantium was standing in the kitchen, chatting to Doctor Ultimate and Cygnus. ‘For my role within the Union.’

  June bit at her lip. ‘Well… You could maybe cut the hips a little higher. Your legs look great in the suit as it is, but that would lengthen them…’

  ‘I… I was thinking something a little more, y’know, extreme. More like the one Cygnus has. I’d be willing to pay! For the consultation and design. It wouldn’t be a problem.’

  Saying no outright was not going to cut it. ‘Look, I tell you what. Fullerton Technologies has this great modelling package and I was hoping to get a copy to do my designs with. Bianca said she could cut me a deal… Anyway, I’ll do some designs and I can render them just like they’ll look on you if you’ll let me scan you for the system.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Right. I’ll do the designs. Younger and sexier, and right through to what I would do if you didn’t already have an image that didn’t fit with what I’d probably dress you in if I was working from scratch. You can look them over and see if you like any of them.’

  Brightstar smiled. ‘Great. Thanks. Look, I’ll pay up front. Help you buy that software.’

  ‘I was hoping you’d say that,’ June replied, grinning, ‘but I warn you, you will look at the designs and you will decide to stick with what you’ve got.’

  ‘Oh, I’m pretty sure you’re–’

  June held up a hand. ‘You just wait and see. And anyway, I don’t think Adam cares how old you are. He’s a bit like Hugh. They’re both chatting away to a woman men would crawl over broken glass for for the chance to kiss her toes, she’s wearing a robe and nothing else, and they haven’t noticed. You got his attention, which probably means you’re going to have it until you screw up and lose it.’

  ‘You think?’

  ‘Uh-huh. I have to admit, I’m not sure I can imagine what it’s like… I mean, the metal skin and… You know, it’s kind of hard to imagine him, um, being equipped.’

  Brightstar laid a conspiratorial hand on June’s arm. ‘Oh honey… You know those little trunks he wears when he’s got fighting to do?’

  ‘Uh… Yeah, I’d noticed.’

  ‘That bulge in them is not a pair of socks masking insecurity. And, um…’ Brightstar’s voice fell to almost a whisper. ‘Well, let’s just say he gives “hard” a whole new meaning.’ June giggled, quickly joined by Brightstar. ‘I mean, he’s had to learn a few things, but I have had my mind absolutely blown.’

  ‘It’s like that when you’re with the right partner.’ June’s eyes lifted to look across at Cygnus.

  ‘Yeah… Um, you don’t… Well, miss men?’

  June giggled again. ‘I’ve been a lesbian since I worked out I wanted to be anything. I’ve been with a couple of men, so I do know what I’m missing. Which, I might add, is nothing that can’t be replaced with a little technology and Cygnus needs it more than I do. I’m not saying men are all self-centred dicks, pardon the pun, but I prefer women.’

  ‘Maybe a little worried that Cygnus might go back to men?’

  ‘Yeah, of course. Everyone has their insecurities. But I’m not going to let that stop me enjoying every damn moment of being with her. Not one damn moment.’


  ‘This is usually the part where you slip away,’ Jacob said, his voice soft.

  Andrea lay with her head on his shoulder, warm in the crook of his arm and snuggled against his side. ‘Not tonight. Okay, so I have an excuse, but I could’ve moved up into the master bedroom for the night. Cygnus said she wouldn’t mind.’

  ‘Not afraid I’ll freeze you in the night?’

  ‘Your feet aren’t that cold.’

  ‘You know what I mean.’

  ‘Jacob, you couldn’t freeze me if you wanted to, but I don’t think you will anyway. Your power outbursts may be uncontrolled, but they have a pattern. When you get upset, or your biochemistry is out of whack, that’s when they happen. If you’re going to get upset because I’m sleeping beside you, I don’t think our relationship is going where I think it’s going.’

  ‘Huh, well… Better we know now than after we’ve picked out the drapes.’

  ‘Precisely. So shut the fuck up about it.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’

  Andrea grinned and lifted her chin so she could kiss him on his. ‘That said… Hugh’s in town and you should take some time to drop in at the house. Talk to him. He may be able to figure this out.’

  ‘He didn’t last time.’

  ‘Did he stick you in his big, white room?’

  ‘Don’t think so.’

  ‘You’d remember. I just about went blind. You weren’t exhibiting any powers and the basic scanners were coming back with nothing. He probably figured that was enough.’

  ‘I don’t want to bother–’

  ‘You have met the guy, right? Doctor Ultimate, the man voted most likely to press a big red button just to see what happens? If there’s a mystery about what’s going on with you, he won’t stop until he’s figured it out.’

  ‘Okay. I’ll go out and see him. What’s the weather like in Antarctica at the moment?’

  Andrea giggled. ‘Cold. It’s always cold. That said, it’s summer there so it’s not as cold as it could be.’

  ‘Positive garden spot then.’

  ‘Huh. To me it’s all the same, love. That’s what I mean. I can walk naked in the snow there and be perfectly happy. You at your worst are a hot, summer evening.’ She lifted her head and kissed him again. ‘Very hot.’

  Jacob looked down at her face and lifted an eyebrow. ‘I thought that was the last time and we were going to sleep?’

  ‘Changed my mind. I guess you’re just too much temptation.’

  ‘This could be a long night.’

; ‘I think it might fly by…’


  ‘You handled that very well,’ Alice said, keeping her voice low.

  ‘Huh?’ June responded, flashing a slightly confused smile.

  ‘Alison,’ Alice clarified. ‘She’s been happier since she managed to hook Adam, but her insecurities have been more obvious. She used to wear casual clothes around the base more, but now it’s often designer and short. She’s a beautiful woman, but…’

  ‘But beautiful women are often the ones worried about not being. I’m so glad she didn’t mention surgery when Cygnus’s breasts came up.’

  ‘Ah, well I persuaded her against that idea a couple of years ago. This “looking younger through costume” thing is new and you handled it well.’

  ‘Well, thanks. I just told her what I thought. She shouldn’t mess with a good idea. I really do think she’ll see that when I’ve done a few designs the way she thinks she wants them to look.’

  ‘I’m quite sure she will. Alison is a bright girl. She just needs to be reminded of what she already has now and again.’

  June grinned. ‘Oh, I think everyone needs that at times. I blame the American Dream. Everyone’s always striving to be better than they are. So few people spend a little time looking at what they’ve got and being thankful for that.’


  Gary Hopper lay in his bed looking up at a ceiling illuminated mainly by the streetlight which was right outside it. His room was never dark. He dreamed of living somewhere where he could actually sleep in the dark, behind drapes which were not thinner than a hooker’s hose. Maybe if the riot had hit their part of town… But no, even disasters stayed away when they were needed.

  Gary hated his job, but he needed it. He spent his evenings baking doughnuts in a shop in Deale Harbour. He came home every night stinking of dough and hot oil, and what kind of girl was going to go for a man who smelled like that? No one Gary deserved, that was for sure. Of course, his mother had it worse, waiting tables at a diner twelve hours a day to make ends meet. Ever since his drunken bastard of a father had… died, things had been hard. Oh, his mother said that without the alcohol bills they were barely worse off, but Gary knew.